After purchasing products, do not you feel excited about the moment you are opening the box?
For example, when purchasing a Nikon camera or lens.
The moment of opening that golden box, there is a sense of excitement that can not be said at all.
Then, what do you imagine if you have a silver box?
That’s right.
It is a box of Pentax.
This time, the lens of Pentax which was in the box of the silver arrived.
It is smc PENTAX 67 200 mm f / 4.
This lens for PENTAX 67 will be of a certain weight even if it is not in the box.
When it comes into the box, the weight exceeded 1 kg.
It is a surprise.
Besides boxes, lens cases, hoods, front and rear caps, lens filters, case straps, and manuals are included as well.
If it has this fulfilling accessory it convinced that it exceeds 1 kg.
This fulfilling set is on sale at the price including postage.
Please check it.