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Peeping #productsjapan #camera #dog #peeping #slr #canon

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

He started to think he was a little scared.
But he also wanted to see it.

He was scared, he wants to see ….

It is a repetition of there feelings.
What is the view behind this window?
He made the feelings that he wanted to see stronger.

So he tried to look into it.
He peeped into the window as if he thrust his head.

It was very beautiful scenery, what he saw there was very beautiful.
It was truly beautiful scenery.


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Canon New F-1 Los Angeles Olympic Model https://www.ebay.com/itm/153240299843 #productsjapan #nowonsale #canon #camera #slr #losangelesolympics1984

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

We sell Canon F – 1 which we used in this story.
It is a limited model of the Olympic Games.
Please take a picture of beautiful scenery in your hands by all means.

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