
King of Heroes.


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It got a fax jam. #productsjapan #camera #instantcamera #contaxpreview #nikon #polaroid #fax #kamenrider #maskedrider

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

The president said.

“Please notice it will receive an important fax”

So, he answered.

This company is a very small company.
Therefore, only he is in the office today.
But he is a part-time job.

He answered, “Understood” but he was very nervous.

It have received a fax.
And it is receiving data.
But at that moment it was also displayed as an error.

It is a paper jam.
He was upset.
I heard that I received an important fax, but I do not know what to do.

“What should I do···”

Someone, please help him.
If you have always helped him as a hero of justice, you are the hero in the hero.

Hero king president said.

“Thank you for receiving an important fax”

Yes he answered.

This company is a very small company.
So, only he is in the office today.
But he is a part-time job.

I answered, “I understand,” but he was very nervous.

I have received a fax.
And I’m receiving.
But at that moment it was also displayed as an error.

It is a paper jam.
He was upset.
He heard that it received an important fax, but he do not know what to do.

“What should I do···”

Someone, please help him.
You are a hero of heroes if you help him who is always a hero of the justice.


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Contax Preview https://www.ebay.com/itm/153416563890 #productsjapan #nowonsale #camera #instantcamera #contax #nikon #polaroid

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

We are selling Contax Preview, who played the fax in this story.
It is a very valuable camera.
Want to make it yours?

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