
It wanna hope this song will reach the world.




Let’s singing a song! #productsjapan #comingsoon #mamiya #m645 #crank #maskedrider #kamenrider

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

That was his habit words.

“Can you do war while singing?”

He always says when something trouble at a bar that always goes.
And he sings.

The wonderful singing voices forget that everyone has been up to the trouble.
He always sings.
He sings a great song.

However, there are people who can not receive his song.
It is a monster of the evil organization.
So he cannot stop fighting a monster.

He really doesn’t want to fight, but to keep the city peaceful.

He always thinks while singing.
He wanna hope this song will reach the world.




Mamiya AC402 Crank Handle Winder for M645 https://www.ebay.com/itm/153501770148 #productsjapan #mamiya #crank #handle #winder #m645

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

We hope his song will reach the world.
This time we used Mamiya AC402 Advance Crank Handle Winder as a microphone.
Good for those who have Mamiya M645.
Please check it out.

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