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Zoo keeper. #productsjapan #toy #figure #powerrangers #maskedrider #kamenrider #zookeeper
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Revolt. #productsjapan #toy #figure #powerrangers #kamenrider #maskedrider
Do you know?
Now, Kamen Rider works as a zoo keeper.
Because, Kamen Rider’s friend had worked as a zoo keeper, but he was hospitalized due to a traffic accident.
Kamen Rider who is kind and likes animals is working as a substitute for him.
He work hard today, he brush my animal’s teeth.
It is the same as humans.
Animals also become tooth decay unless they brush their teeth every day.
He brush my animal’s teeth hard.
But he failed.
He put too much strength and animal’s hurt his tooth that had become a decay tooth.
The animal bites Kamen Rider.
“Hurts, please stop it.”
Even if he say so, the animal is biting Kamen Rider.
“Hurts, please stop it.”
But, as it is.
It has been, as it is, forever.
Kamen Rider thought.
It is afraid of tooth decay.
We sell power rangers series robot toys.
This toy does not chew like a story, so please be relieved.
If you are interested, please visit eBay’s page.