
A heart of America, a heart of Japan.


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Brushing #productsjapan #toy #figure #brushing #ironman #camera #yashica

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

Products Japan staff will sell products after cleaning them.
Always cleaning a lot of products.
We are really busy.

So, Iron Man sometimes helps cleaning up.
As Iron Man cleans up products in a convenient way, we are saved.
He cleans well with a brush.

Today he is cleaning the camera of YASHICA.

We asked Iron Man.
“What would you like for a snack today?”
“Daifuku is nice!”
Daifuku is a Japanese traditional Japanese sweet.
Iron Man seems to have become familiar with our staff alright.


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Yashica FX-3 SUPER 2000 https://www.ebay.com/itm/153247123753 #productsjapan #nowonsale #camera #slr #yashica #kyocera

productsjapan.jpさん(@productsjapan.jp)がシェアした投稿 –

Yashica FX – 3 Super 2000 which Ironman cleaned up is on sale.
It is a camera that Iron Man did a hearty cleaning.
By all means, please keep it at hand.

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